Article I: Membership
Section 1: Active membership shall consist of those members who are actively engaged in the pursuit of their profession. They shall pay dues and attend at least three meetings out of the seven named in Article VI of the Constitution.
Section 2: Inactive members may not enter students in CMTA Scholarship Auditions.
Section 3: Student Membership is open to any bona fide student of music in high school (9th to 12th grades inclusive) and college. Student members may attend all general meetings of the association, but do not have the right to vote, hold office, or enter students in scholarship auditions, state or local.
Section 4: Corporate membership is open to businesses and individuals that have an interest in advancing the goals and programs of the Association. Corporate members may attend meetings of the Association but shall not have the right to vote or hold office.
Section 5: Senior membership is open to active members aged 70 and older.
Article II: Dues
Section 1: The annual membership dues for CMTA shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 2: All dues shall be submitted to the national MTNA office by June 30 for a member to be assured a listing the local association’s Active Member Roster.
Section 3: In order for a member to be eligible to enter students in CMTA Scholarship Auditions or CMTA Master Class, dues must be paid by October 15.
Article III: Elections
Section 1: The officers of the Association shall be: President, President-Elect, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. The term of office shall be two years. No person shall be elected to the same office for two consecutive terms, except by approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: In the last semester of the second year of the two-year term, the president shall appoint a nominating committee of three members whose duty it shall be to be present at the April meeting of each year, and present nominations for the offices to be filled. Further nominations may be made from the floor.
Section 3: All officers shall be elected by ballot. Two-thirds of the votes cast by the members present shall be necessary to constitute an election. Electronic voting is permitted, and in the case of virtual or hybrid (combination of virtual and in-person) meetings, all votes shall be cast electronically.
Section 4: In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the Executive Committee shall invite the president-elect to assume the unexpired term of the president. If the president-elect is unable to do so, the Executive Committee shall solicit nominees, conduct a vote among Executive Committee members, and present the president pro tempore at the next regular business meeting. The president pro tempore shall serve only the remaining time of the unexpired president’s term.
Article IV: Duties of Officers
Section 1: The president shall preside at all meetings and shall conduct all Association proceedings in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of this organization. The president shall appoint a parliamentarian, an historian, and chair of all committees. Vacancies in any office may be filled for the remainder of the year by presidential appointment. All appointments shall be approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 2: The president-elect shall assume the duties of the office of president of the Association at the end of the present two-year term as president-elect.
Section 3: The vice president shall preside at a meeting in the absence of the president and serve as chair of the program committee.
Section 4: The recording secretary shall be responsible for keeping an accurate attendance record and for the recording of all minutes.
Section 5: The corresponding secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence of the organization.
Section 6: The treasurer shall manage funds and make regular financial reports to the Association.
Article V: Committees
Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers, the immediate past president, and the parliamentarian.
Section 2: The General Board shall consist of the elected officers, the immediate past president, the parliamentarian, and the chair of all committees.
Section 3: Standing committees shall be: Celebration of Musical Achievement, Christmas and Classics Festival, Endowment, Facebook, Finance, Historical, Master Class, Membership, MusicLink, Newsletter, Program, Scholarship, Teacher Certification, and Website.
Section 4: The following committees shall be ad hoc committees, formed when needed: Constitution, Hospitality, Ways and Means. The president shall appoint chairpersons of ad hoc committees.
Article VI: Electronic Voting
Electronic voting, or voting via email, shall be an acceptable means of conducting a vote when in-person voting would cause a delay in voting on an issue that is deemed to be of imminent importance by the Executive Committee. This shall apply to voting among the Executive Committee, the General Board, and the membership-at-large.
Electronic voting shall be an acceptable means of voting on issues. In the event that a vote must be conducted during a virtual or hybrid (combination of virtual and in-person) meeting, all votes shall be cast by electronic ballots.
Article VII: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any business meeting by a two-thirds vote of the active members present and voting, providing that a notice of such intended amendment(s) had been submitted to the membership at the previously scheduled meeting. Such notice shall state the amendment(s) to be considered.
Article VIII: Authority in Parliamentary Law
Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the governing parliamentary law of this Association, except as otherwise provided in the constitution or bylaws.
Revised July, 2022
Section 1: Active membership shall consist of those members who are actively engaged in the pursuit of their profession. They shall pay dues and attend at least three meetings out of the seven named in Article VI of the Constitution.
Section 2: Inactive members may not enter students in CMTA Scholarship Auditions.
Section 3: Student Membership is open to any bona fide student of music in high school (9th to 12th grades inclusive) and college. Student members may attend all general meetings of the association, but do not have the right to vote, hold office, or enter students in scholarship auditions, state or local.
Section 4: Corporate membership is open to businesses and individuals that have an interest in advancing the goals and programs of the Association. Corporate members may attend meetings of the Association but shall not have the right to vote or hold office.
Section 5: Senior membership is open to active members aged 70 and older.
Article II: Dues
Section 1: The annual membership dues for CMTA shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 2: All dues shall be submitted to the national MTNA office by June 30 for a member to be assured a listing the local association’s Active Member Roster.
Section 3: In order for a member to be eligible to enter students in CMTA Scholarship Auditions or CMTA Master Class, dues must be paid by October 15.
Article III: Elections
Section 1: The officers of the Association shall be: President, President-Elect, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. The term of office shall be two years. No person shall be elected to the same office for two consecutive terms, except by approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: In the last semester of the second year of the two-year term, the president shall appoint a nominating committee of three members whose duty it shall be to be present at the April meeting of each year, and present nominations for the offices to be filled. Further nominations may be made from the floor.
Section 3: All officers shall be elected by ballot. Two-thirds of the votes cast by the members present shall be necessary to constitute an election. Electronic voting is permitted, and in the case of virtual or hybrid (combination of virtual and in-person) meetings, all votes shall be cast electronically.
Section 4: In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the Executive Committee shall invite the president-elect to assume the unexpired term of the president. If the president-elect is unable to do so, the Executive Committee shall solicit nominees, conduct a vote among Executive Committee members, and present the president pro tempore at the next regular business meeting. The president pro tempore shall serve only the remaining time of the unexpired president’s term.
Article IV: Duties of Officers
Section 1: The president shall preside at all meetings and shall conduct all Association proceedings in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of this organization. The president shall appoint a parliamentarian, an historian, and chair of all committees. Vacancies in any office may be filled for the remainder of the year by presidential appointment. All appointments shall be approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 2: The president-elect shall assume the duties of the office of president of the Association at the end of the present two-year term as president-elect.
Section 3: The vice president shall preside at a meeting in the absence of the president and serve as chair of the program committee.
Section 4: The recording secretary shall be responsible for keeping an accurate attendance record and for the recording of all minutes.
Section 5: The corresponding secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence of the organization.
Section 6: The treasurer shall manage funds and make regular financial reports to the Association.
Article V: Committees
Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers, the immediate past president, and the parliamentarian.
Section 2: The General Board shall consist of the elected officers, the immediate past president, the parliamentarian, and the chair of all committees.
Section 3: Standing committees shall be: Celebration of Musical Achievement, Christmas and Classics Festival, Endowment, Facebook, Finance, Historical, Master Class, Membership, MusicLink, Newsletter, Program, Scholarship, Teacher Certification, and Website.
Section 4: The following committees shall be ad hoc committees, formed when needed: Constitution, Hospitality, Ways and Means. The president shall appoint chairpersons of ad hoc committees.
Article VI: Electronic Voting
Electronic voting, or voting via email, shall be an acceptable means of conducting a vote when in-person voting would cause a delay in voting on an issue that is deemed to be of imminent importance by the Executive Committee. This shall apply to voting among the Executive Committee, the General Board, and the membership-at-large.
Electronic voting shall be an acceptable means of voting on issues. In the event that a vote must be conducted during a virtual or hybrid (combination of virtual and in-person) meeting, all votes shall be cast by electronic ballots.
Article VII: Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any business meeting by a two-thirds vote of the active members present and voting, providing that a notice of such intended amendment(s) had been submitted to the membership at the previously scheduled meeting. Such notice shall state the amendment(s) to be considered.
Article VIII: Authority in Parliamentary Law
Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the governing parliamentary law of this Association, except as otherwise provided in the constitution or bylaws.
Revised July, 2022